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HD 32456



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Observational studies of Cepheid amplitudes. I. Period-amplitude relationships for Galactic Cepheids and interrelation of amplitudes
Context: The dependence of amplitude on the pulsation period differsfrom other Cepheid-related relationships. Aims: We attempt torevise the period-amplitude (P-A) relationship of Galactic Cepheidsbased on multi-colour photometric and radial velocity data. Reliable P-Agraphs for Galactic Cepheids constructed for the U, B, V, R_C, andIC photometric bands and pulsational radial velocityvariations facilitate investigations of previously poorly studiedinterrelations between observable amplitudes. The effects of bothbinarity and metallicity on the observed amplitude, and the dichotomybetween short- and long-period Cepheids can both be studied. Methods: A homogeneous data set was created that contains basicphysical and phenomenological properties of 369 Galactic Cepheids.Pulsation periods were revised and amplitudes were determined by theFourier method. P-A graphs were constructed and an upper envelope to thedata points was determined in each graph. Correlations between variousamplitudes and amplitude-related parameters were searched for, usingCepheids without known companions. Results: Large amplitudeCepheids with companions exhibit smaller photometric amplitudes onaverage than solitary ones, as expected, while s-Cepheids pulsate withan arbitrary (although small) amplitude. The ratio of the observedradial velocity to blue photometric amplitudes, AV_RAD/A_B,is not as good an indicator of the pulsation mode as predictedtheoretically. This may be caused by an incorrect mode assignment to anumber of small amplitude Cepheids, which are not necessarily firstovertone pulsators. The dependence of the pulsation amplitudes onwavelength is used to identify duplicity of Cepheids. More than twentystars previously classified as solitary Cepheids are now suspected tohave a companion. The ratio of photometric amplitudes observed invarious bands confirms the existence of a dichotomy among normalamplitude Cepheids. The limiting period separating short- andlong-period Cepheids is 10.47 days. Conclusions:Interdependences of pulsational amplitudes, the period dependence of theamplitude parameters, and the dichotomy have to be taken into account asconstraints in modelling the structure and pulsation of Cepheids.Studies of the P-L relationship must comply with the break at 10.47°instead of the currently used “convenient” value of 10 days.Table 1 is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/504/959

BAV-Results of observations
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(B-R)-Werte der Cepheiden in den BAV-Mitteilungen nr. 202.
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Cepheid parallaxes and the Hubble constant
Revised Hipparcos parallaxes for classical Cepheids are analysedtogether with 10 Hubble Space Telescope (HST)-based parallaxes. In areddening-free V, I relation we find that the coefficient of logP is thesame within the uncertainties in our Galaxy as in the Large MagellanicCloud (LMC), contrary to some previous suggestions. Cepheids in theinner region of NGC4258 with near solar metallicities confirm thisresult. We obtain a zero-point for the reddening-free relation and applyit to the Cepheids in galaxies used by Sandage et al. to calibrate theabsolute magnitudes of Type Ia supernova (SNIa) and to derive the Hubbleconstant. We revise their result for H0 from 62 to 70 +/-5kms-1Mpc-1. The Freedman et al. value is revisedfrom 72 to 76 +/- 8kms-1Mpc-1. These results areinsensitive to Cepheid metallicity corrections. The Cepheids in theinner region of NGC4258 yield a modulus of 29.22 +/- 0.03 (int.)compared with a maser-based modulus of 29.29 +/- 0.15. Distance modulifor the LMC, uncorrected for any metallicity effects, are 18.52 +/- 0.03from a reddening-free relation in V, I; 18.47 +/- 0.03 from aperiod-luminosity relation at K; 18.45 +/- 0.04 from aperiod-luminosity-colour relation in J, K. Adopting a metallicitycorrection in V, I from Macri et al. leads to a true LMC modulus of18.39 +/- 0.05.

The Bright Cepheid V411 Lacertae
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The First Radial Velocity Curve for CK Camelopardalis
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The Spectra of Type II Cepheids. II. The Hα Line in Intermediate-Period Stars
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Stars with the Largest Hipparcos Photometric Amplitudes
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A photometric and spectroscopic study of the brightest northern Cepheids - III. A high-resolution view of Cepheid atmospheres
We present new high-resolution spectroscopic observations(λ/Δλ~40000) of 18 bright northern Cepheids carriedout at the David Dunlap Observatory in 1997. The measurements mainlyextend those presented in Paper I of this series, adding three morestars (AW Per, SV Vul, T Mon). The spectra were obtained in theyellow-red spectral region in the interval of 5900 and 6660Å,including strong lines of sodium D and Hα. New radial velocitiesdetermined with the cross-correlation technique and the bisectortechnique are presented. The new data are compared with those recentlypublished by several groups. We found systematic differences between thespectroscopic and CORAVEL-type measurements as large as1-3kms-1 in certain phases. We performed Baade-Wesselinkanalysis for CK Cam discovered by the Hipparcos satellite. The resultingradius is 31+/-1Rsolar, which is in very good agreement withrecent period-radius relation by Gieren, Moffett & Barnes III. It isshown that the systematic velocity differences do not affect theBaade-Wesselink radius more than 1per cent for CK Cam. Observationalpieces of evidence of possible velocity gradient affecting theindividual line profiles are studied. The full-width at half minimum(FWHM) of the metallic lines, similarly to the velocity differences,shows a very characteristic phase dependence, illustrating the effect ofglobal compression in the atmosphere. The smallest line widths alwaysoccur around the maximal radius, while the largest FWHM is associatedwith velocity reversal before the minimal radius. Three first overtonepulsators do not follow the general trend: the largest FWHM in SU Casand SZ Tau occurs after the smallest radius, during the expansion, whilein V1334 Cyg there are only barely visible FWHM variations. Thepossibility of a bright yellow companion of V1334 Cyg is brieflydiscussed. The observed line-profile asymmetries exceed the valuespredicted with a simple projection effect by a factor of 2-3. This couldbe associated with the velocity gradient, which is also supported by thedifferences between individual line velocities of different excitationpotentials.

Galactic Cepheids. Catalogue of light-curve parameters and distances
We report a new version of the catalogue of distances and light-curveparameters for Galactic classical Cepheids. The catalogue listsamplitudes, magnitudes at maximum light, and intensity means for 455stars in BVRI filters of the Johnson system and (RI)_C filters of theCron-Cousins system. The distances are based on our new multicolour setof PL relations and on our Cepheid-based solution for interstellarextinction law parameters and are referred to an LMC distance modulus of18.25. The catalogue is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Multi-colour PL-relations of Cepheids in the bt HIPPARCOS catalogue and the distance to the LMC
We analyse a sample of 236 Cepheids from the hipparcos catalog, usingthe method of ``reduced parallaxes'' in V, I, K and the reddening-free``Wesenheit-index''. We compare our sample to those considered by Feast& Catchpole (1997) and Lanoix et al. (1999), and argue that oursample is the most carefully selected one with respect to completeness,the flagging of overtone pulsators, and the removal of Cepheids that mayinfluence the analyses for various reasons (double-mode Cepheids,unreliable hipparcos solutions, possible contaminated photometry due tobinary companions). From numerical simulations, and confirmed by theobserved parallax distribution, we derive a (vertical) scale height ofCepheids of 70 pc, as expected for a population of 3-10 Msunstars. This has consequences for Malmquist- and Lutz-Kelker (Lutz &Kelker 1973, Oudmaijer et al. 1998) type corrections which are smallerfor a disk population than for a spherical population. The V and I datasuggest that the slope of the Galactic PL-relations may be shallowerthan that observed for LMC Cepheids, either for the whole period range,or that there is a break at short periods (near log P_0 ~ 0.7-0.8). Westress the importance of two systematic effects which influence thedistance to the LMC: the slopes of the Galactic PL-relations andmetallicity corrections. In order to assess the influence of thesevarious effects, we present 27 distance moduli (DM) to the LMC. Theseare based on three different colours (V,I,K), three different slopes(the slope observed for Cepheids in the LMC, a shallower slope predictedfrom one set of theoretical models, and a steeper slope as derived forGalactic Cepheids from the surface-brightness technique), and threedifferent metallicity corrections (no correction as predicted by one setof theoretical models, one implying larger DM as predicted by anotherset of theoretical models, and one implying shorter DM based onempirical evidence). We derive DM between 18.45 +/- 0.18 and 18.86 +/-0.12. The DM based on K are shorter than those based on V and I andrange from 18.45 +/- 0.18 to 18.62 +/- 0.19, but the DM in K could besystematically too low by about 0.1 magnitude because of a bias due tothe fact that NIR photometry is available only for a limited number ofstars. From the Wesenheit-index we derive a DM of 18.60 +/- 0.11,assuming the observed slope of LMC Cepheids and no metallicitycorrection, for want of more information. The DM to the LMC based on theparallax data can be summarised as follows. Based on the PL-relation inV and I, and the Wesenheit-index, the DM is 18.60 ± 0.11(± 0.08 slope)(^{+0.08}_{-0.15} ;metallicity), which is ourcurrent best estimate. Based on the PL-relation in K the DM is ;;;;18.52 +/- 0.18 (± 0.03 ;slope) (± 0.06 ;metallicity)(^{+0.10}_{-0} ;sampling ;bias). The random error is mostly due to thegiven accuracy of the hipparcos parallaxes and the number of Cepheids inthe respective samples. The terms between parentheses indicate thepossible systematic uncertainties due to the slope of the GalacticPL-relations, the metallicity corrections, and in the K-band, due to thelimited number of stars. Recent work by Sandage et al. (1999) indicatesthat the effect of metallicity towards shorter distances may be smallerin V and I than indicated here. From this, we point out the importanceof obtaining NIR photometry for more (closeby) Cepheids, as for themoment NIR photometry is only available for 27% of the total sample.This would eliminate the possible bias due to the limited number ofstars, and would reduce the random error estimate from 0.18 to about0.10 mag. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the DM to reddening,metallicity correction and slope are smallest in the K-band. Based ondata from the ESA HP astrometry satellite.

Direct calibration of the Cepheid period-luminosity relation
After the first release of Hipparcos data, Feast & Catchpole gave anew value for the zero-point of the visual Cepheid period-luminosityrelation, based on trigonometric parallaxes. Because of the largeuncertainties on these parallaxes, the way in which individualmeasurements are weighted is of crucial importance. We thereforeconclude that the choice of the best weighting system can be aided by aMonte Carlo simulation. On the basis of such a simulation, it is shownthat (i) a cut-off in π or in σ_ππ introduces a strongbias; (ii) the zero-point is more stable when only the brightestCepheids are used; and (iii) the Feast & Catchpole weighting givesthe best zero-point and the lowest dispersion. After correction, theadopted visual period-luminosity relation is=-2.77logP-1.44+/-0.05. Moreover, we extend this study to thephotometric I band (Cousins) and obtain=-3.05logP-1.81+/-0.09.

I- and JHK-band photometry of classical Cepheids in the HIPPARCOS catalog
By correlating the \cite[Fernie et al. (1995)]{F95} electronic databaseon Cepheids with the ``resolved variable catalog'' of the hipparcosmission and the simbad catalog one finds that there are 280 Cepheids inthe hipparcos catalog. By removing W Vir stars (Type ii Cepheids),double-mode Cepheids, Cepheids with an unreliable solution in thehipparcos catalog, and stars without photometry, it turns out that thereare 248 classical Cepheids left, of which 32 are classified asfirst-overtone pulsators. For these stars the literature was searchedfor I-band and near-infrared data. Intensity-mean I-band photometry onthe Cousins system is derived for 189 stars, and intensity-mean JHK dataon the Carter system is presented for 69 stars.

A photometric and spectroscopic study of the brightest northern Cepheids - I. Observations
We present simultaneous UBVuvby photometry for the 18 brightest northernCepheids carried out between 1995 and 1997. Additionally, two fainterstars have been observed in the Johnson system only. The wholephotometric data base contains about 3500 individual data points for 20stars. The accuracy has been carefully tested with different methods. Aserious systematic difference has been found between the present dataset and the Stromgren photometry available in the literature, which hasprobably been caused by the peculiar filter set used in the earlierstudy. As an extension to the photometry, we took high-resolutionoptical spectra at David Dunlap Observatory in the red spectral region(lambda/Deltalambda~ 40000, in the interval of 6200and6600Angstromsincluding Hα). The spectroscopic programme contained 12stars from the photometric programme, the newly discovered brightclassical Cepheid CK Cam and two double-mode Cepheids (TU Cas and COAur). New radial velocities obtained with the cross-correlationtechnique are presented. We found significant velocity differencesbetween two cross-correlated spectral regions (6188-6220and 6405-6435Angstroms) as large as 0.8-1.2 km s^-1, which show very characteristicphase dependence in certain Cepheids. Finally, recent period variationsare briefly discussed in terms of phase jumps and duplicity.

Spectroscopic survey of field Type II Cepheids
A sample of relatively bright, short- and intermediate-period (P=1-10d)Type II Cepheids in the Galactic field have been observedspectroscopically with an intermediate-resolution(lambda/Deltalambda=11000) spectrograph. The wavelength region was6500-6700A, including the Hα line and some photospheric ironlines. The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) was usually between 50 and 100,depending on weather conditions and the brightness of target stars.Radial velocities were determined by cross-correlating the Cepheidspectra with those of selected IAU velocity standard stars having F-Gspectral types. The internal error of the velocity determination processwas calculated to be about 1 km s^-1. Hα emission and strong linesplitting were observed in BL Her during the expansion phase, but nosimilar phenomenon was detected in any other stars in this programme,except for AU Peg which has an unusual Hα line showing a PCygni-like profile. The velocity curve agrees well with recent CORAVELmeasurements. The velocity gradients in Cepheid atmospheres are studiedusing the Hα minus metallic velocities. Similar data are collectedfrom the literature. It seems that having large velocity differences(v_Hα-v_metal>40 km s^-1) is a characteristic feature of thevery short-period (P<1.5d) and longer period (P>10d) Cepheids.Between these period regions the Cepheid atmospheres exhibit smallervelocity differences. Most of the Type II Cepheids observed in thepresent study fall into this latter category. There might be a tendencyfor classical Cepheids of intermediate period to have larger maximumvelocity differences.

A catalog of Cepheid radial velocities measured in 1995-1998 with the correlation spectrometer.
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Photoelectric Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima of Pulsating Stars
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The 73rd Name-List of Variable Stars
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Photoelectric BVR_c Observations and New Elements of the Cepheid HD 32456
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Photometric Observations of the New Bright Classical Cepheid SAO 25009 = HD 32456
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Confirmation of the classification of a new TYCHO variable: HD 32456 is a 3.3-day Cepheid
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35 new bright medium- and high-amplitude variables discovered by the TYCHO instrument of the HIPPARCOS satellite
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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:05h06m31.64s
Apparent magnitude:7.592
Distance:10000000 parsecs
Proper motion RA:3.3
Proper motion Dec:-3.9
B-T magnitude:8.808
V-T magnitude:7.693

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 32456
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3738-234-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-05787324
HIPHIP 23768

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